Our Museum is a busy place with Exhibitions from our collection, book launches and our annual Airing of the Quilts, plus collaborations with other groups such as Embroiderers.
The Dreadnought Scheme finishes 28th February
OUR NEXT EXHIBITION – 7 March to 22 June

Open Hours: Friday 10 – 4 pm, Sunday 1 – 4 pm
Groups are welcome at other times by appointment. Contact us: 6628 1829, email info@aphsmuseum.org.au
In between Exhibitions the Museum has Open House featuring items from our collection reflecting family life from the turn of the century to the 1960s.
Past Events

Gowns, Veils, Vows & Ties This Exhibition was held from 20 March to 17 June 2016 and featured vintage wedding gowns and bridesmaids outfits from the 1860s including several generations of one family’s weddings, ad well as contemporary gowns. We were able to display from our own collection Olive Crawford’s actual gown showing her petite waistline.